Silent Meditation Retreats

2 years ago

It's time for Sriman Narayana, our beloved Master, to welcome the Seekers of Truth who honor the call of their hearts towards the Divine and want to deepen their practices. 

With joy and gratitude for this precious opportunity, we inform you that the inscriptions for Meditation and Silence Retreats are open! 

These will be monthly retreats. The next one will be from May 1st to 12th. For future events you can check the schedule at this link: The experience will last 10 days, with 10 hours of daily meditation, in total silence. At the end of the retreat, it is up to each participant to choose to make a donation. Love will be our main support to keep and take this blessing to as many people as possible.

Satsangs, readings and beautiful words inspire you to take your first steps, but only the right attitude and action can truly make your journey real. May nothing else allow you to postpone, may it only matter to find the way out of this great illusion, may nothing remain but the yearning for the Supreme Love!

More information can be found on our website: 

Our home waits for you!

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