Why Do Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab Want to END YOUR FREE WILL?

2 years ago

Thrivetime Show

Who Is Leading The Great Reset? https://rumble.com/vzs3gx-yuval-noah-harari-whos-steering-the-great-reset-gates-schwab-zuckerberg-and.html

What Is the Goal of The Great Reset? The Great Narrative (The Great Reset) https://www.amazon.com/Great-Narrative-Reset/dp/2940631301/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3K2WC4FT1DNN5&keywords=the+great+narrative&qid=1649184597&sprefix=the+great+nara%2Caps%2C1557&sr=8-1 COVID-19: The Great Reset - https://www.amazon.com/COVID-19-Great-Reset-Klaus-Schwab/dp/2940631123/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3K2WC4FT1DNN5&keywords=the+great+narrative&qid=1649184620&sprefix=the+great+nara%2Caps%2C1557&sr=8-3

How Does Monetary Fraud Play Into The Great Reset? https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CURRCIR https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/10/cpi-inflation-february-2022-.html

How Does Medical Fraud & Election Fraud Play Into the Great Reset?

Local Action Creates a National Impact: https://rumble.com/vzf86u-reawaken-america-tour-momentum-grows.html

Who Is the Man Leading the COVID-19 / Great Reset Agenda? Yuval Noah Harari

“History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.”

(Yuval Noah Harari is often referred to as “the prophet.” He a the Israeli vegan, openly gay, pro-transhumanist who is obsessed with rejecting the God of his fathers and turning humans into gods. He is the lead advisor to Klaus Schwab and is praised by Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Silicon Valley, the New York Times, TED, Stanford, Harvard, the World Economic Forum, James Corden, Natalie Portman, etc.) According to World Economic Forum luminary and historian Yuval Noah Harari, the transition to “digital dictatorships” will have a “big watershed” moment once governments start using “surveillance under the skin.”

Epstein + Biden + Harari = “Pre-Crime Prevention”

The Biden administration asked Congress for $6.5 billion to fund a new biomedical research agency which would merge “national security” with “health security” in such a way as to use both physical and mental health “warning signs” to prevent outbreaks of disease or violence before they occur.

Such a system is a recipe for a technocratic “pre-crime” organization with the potential to criminalize both mental and physical illness as well as “wrongthink. This agency was to be largely guided by Biden’s confirmed top science adviser, ERIC LANDER. LANDER formerly the head of the Silicon Valley-dominated Broad Institute, has been controversial for his ties to eugenicist and child sex trafficker JEFFREY EPSTEIN. https://cen.acs.org/policy/Eric-Lander-resigns-Bidens-science/100/i6

Look Up & Read HR 6666 https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6666/text

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