2 years ago

The Holy Eucharist is the sacrament in which Jesus gives His Body and Blood for us, so that we too may give ourselves to Him in love and unite ourselves to Him in Holy Communion. It is the very sacrifice of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus, instituted by Him, to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross throughout the centuries until His return, thus entrusting to His Church the memorial of His Death and Resurrection.
The Holy Eucharist is the sign of unity, the bond of charity, the paschal banquet in which Christ is received, the soul is filled with grace and the pledge of eternal life is given to us.
Therefore, the Holy Eucharist is a memorial in the sense that it makes present and actual the sacrifice that Christ offered to the Father, once and for all, on the cross, in favor of humanity. The sacrifice of the cross and the sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist are one sacrifice. The victim and the one who offer are identical, only the way of offering himself is different: bloody on the cross, unbloody on the Eucharist.
#sacredeucharist #weekly #holy sacrament

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