2 years ago

For these global elites hell bent on ruling the world, the best distractions produce the most property damage and the most loss of life. Their best weapons are our emotions and they’ve been refining their craft over decades. And today their level of artistry rivals that of any master craftsmen. War accomplishes nothing for the average national. War is used by the people at the top to justify the inevitable hardships placed upon the average citizen who just wants to keep his or her family fed and protected. I feel for both the Ukrainian people and the Russian people who are both casualties in a game that they will never be allowed to win. This is a con job and it isn’t even an original one. Substitute Putin for White Supremacist, Ukraine for BLM Inc. and this war for mostly peaceful protest and the similarities to the summer 2020 riots become frighteningly apparent. And of course, if you say anything disparaging about the war they label you a Putin supporter just like anyone not in support of BLM Inc. was accused of being a racist. Like I said, “it’s a con job.” And just like the law abiding citizens left to suffer at the hands of rioters and thieves by the leaders tasked with their protection, so too, are the citizens of these waring nations subject to displacement, atrocity and death by their own leaders on both sides. Yes I realize that the citizens of Ukraine and Russia are suffering on a much larger scale than the 2020 riots, my point is, in spite of the magnitude, it is still the same game played by the same sociopathic individuals and for the same reasons it’s always been throughout history - the acquisition and/or maintenance of power.


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