Russia Has Captured a US Military Officer Inside Mariupol Biolab

2 years ago

From the intel I'm finding, it was a General who was captured while the Russians were raiding an underground bioweapons lab that was allegedly located 8 stories beneath the Mariupol Airport.

That part hasn't been verified, but the capture of U.S. Army Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier is coming in from multiple sources and appears to be solid information.

Soldiers/Mercenaries from multiple NATO countries were also captured or are currently pinned down and negotiating their release/surrender.

Expect to see these Prisoners of War in the Russian news and before the United Nations. Nuremberg 2 is now a given.

This is big, and I'm curious to learn whether any Canadians were captured, we shouldn't have to wait very long to find out.

If proven true, this is NOT good news.
Confirmed U.S. Major General Captured By Russia While Trying to Flee Mariupol

U.S Major General Roger L. Cloutier was captured by Russia while trying to flee Mariupol after giving military direction to Ukrainian and mercenary forces.

This was previously posted as a rumor. It is not rumor anymore. It is bad. An overt act of war the United States expected to get away with. Here is how he got caught, based on a summary of previous reports posted here

Russian forces cut off all ground escape routes which “trapped the high command of Ukranian forces”, which ended up not being Ukranian at all. The West was commanding the Ukraine war for most likely most of it. To avoid being caught, Western forces then attempted to clear their people via helicopter. Russia did a good job of shooting down helicopters. As the Russians advanced, military leaders from several countries, fed by American intelligence, sought refuge in a steel mill that American intelligence knew Russia wanted to avoid destroying at all cost. The steel mill was an excellent place to fight from which was a bonus, it was very easy to defend.

The American and Western forces kept sending helicopters only to have them shot down before reaching the steel mill. Then the Russians changed tactics. The tactical change was to allow the helicopters to reach the steel mill and land in open areas on the steel mill grounds, and then shoot them down when they tried to leave. They allowed, over time, 8 to land and pick up people from inside the steel mill. 2 of them got away, but in one of the six they shot down they found General Cloutier.

THAT IS BAD NEWS, because it proved beyond a doubt that the U.S. really was fighting the Ukraine war, on Ukranian soil. Russia can rightfully do whatever it wants to retaliate now.

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