Be Humble or Prepare to Be Humbled

3 years ago

Humility is a virture that I have learned to appreciate the hard way in my life, and I have paid for that lesson dearly.

In this video I go back to flying Cobras in Afghanistan, where I learned a lesson in humility that I will never forget. Unfortunately for me, this lesson was at my own expense in credibility amongst my peers, my superiors, and my students.

Confidence and a little bit of cockiness are some of the defining characteristics of being successful in life, but once you cross over into the realm of arrogance, you can guarantee something or someone will put knock you down a rung or two pretty quickly.

I hope you can learn from my mistake, and that because of this you can see the warning signs of arrogance the next time it starts creeping into your mind.

Here's to you Wealth!

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