My police court Jury trail indecentExsposure charge by Melony Rugg K-9 unit Kalamazoo county LIARcop

2 years ago

Invasion of My Privacy & totally against my 4th amendment RIGHTS as an American,This "case" was made on 9-25-21 at 1:48am by K-9 unit Melody Rugg deputy. she's 43 yrs old & a BUTCH cop that makes up statements & charges on her paperwork. the court date is 4-14-22 @ 9am by Jury trail. max charge is 2 years in prison with a $2,000 fine. its a Felony charge! I have a clean record with NO law or cop involvement. I have NEVER went to jail in my life accept NOW. she lied on her written paperwork: she stated " I knowingly exposed myself to her at 1:48 am in Wendy's parking lot inside my locked truck & was of course DARK & raining outside. (she is a LIAR) I had no motive to do that (at 1:48am) in my locked truck (shes a LIAR) she said on a statement of charge: "the reason she had to take me to jail was I kept exposing my self even after I knew she was outside my locked truck at 1:48AM (what a LIAR) why would I do that with 63 years of a clean record & in front of this TOTAL a BUTCH cop really that's so LOW of a human LIAR named Melody Rugg who was just looking to arrest someone. what Melody Rugg really is, is a PEEPING TOM & a PROWLER with a badge (SHE SHOULD BE FIRED!) what this really is, is Faults arrest, Faults Imprisonment for 100 hours over this LIAR of a K-9 unit Melody rugg, I really feel sorry for the dog! I just wonder how many other people she has done this too? poor dog. I didn't see the dog but the German Shepird HAD to LOOK way better then this DOGGY LOSER LIAR of a PROWLER PEEPING Tom with a badge. just think she is paid more then $97K a year to creep up making NO noise at all, take her flashlight & look into my truck without saying a word (NEVER announced she is the Police) just starts a search and seizure. this is the 4th amendment RIGHT: she had NO RIGHT to do this: An illegal or unreasonable search and seizure performed by a law enforcement officer is conducted without a search warrant or without probable cause to believe that evidence of a crime is present. THIS IS IN FACT what Melody Rugg DID! she had ZERO probable cause at all, PERIOD! Melody MUST be held accountable & do prison time for her ACTIONS. my court appointed attorney is all in FAVOR of this case & the police statement. this Mark Beougher my court appointed attorney he's so much in favor of the POLICE & the courts he tried 3 times to have me plead guilty to a lesser charge like probation, fine over the MAX charge of 2 years in prison & $2,000 fine for me DOING NOTHING & Melody Rugg LYING on statements about it. MARK Beougher believes in everything the police lie about. Mark SHOULD be DIS-barred! all he wants is his next pay check by the state! this is totally against my 4th amendment RIGHTS as an American & totally Invasion of My Privacy! Mark should find another line of work! he makes as easy as he can for the court & this K-9 unit LIAR to steel my time & my money! this law is a CROCK what this law does is put HUGE time & HUGE fines on vary SMALL things THEN the try to do a plea bar-gone to have you PAY for there NON-since stuff made up by police. I WILL NEVER buy into this communist law CAP. DEFUND fund this CRAP!

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