Fishing as a Form of Food Independence – Miyagi Mornings Epi-146

3 years ago

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We talk a lot about foraging in the prepper space, we talk a lot about gardening and live stock as well, but plants simply do not have the nutritional density of animal products. Livestock also require signifigant inputs. While we can do a lot to provide animal feed from our own land, unless you have significant land, it is limited.

Trapping and hunting give us access to animal resources without significant inputs. However land access and seasons limit how effective this is for many people. Hunting also has a significant learning curve compared to fishing as does trapping.

Honestly fishing is sort of like hunting and sort of like trapping at the same time. However it comes with a hell of a lot more access opportunity in the US. Almost anywhere you live there are fish that can be taken from the bank or the beech and it can be done very inexpensively.

For the smart angler the opportunities are almost unlimited and one could easily provide 3-5 meals a week for much of the year from simple fishing of locally available options.

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