The Good News

2 years ago

Man, is a fallen creature. Many can see now the folly of the Tree of Knowledge, of good and evil. Despite man’s best efforts, best intentions, all of our inventions, progress, “science” and “medicine,” it all will be turned against us, used against ourselves to entrap us
in a net
in a web
of a slavery
of our own making. The level of evidence for this truth has expounded beyond all measure of factual.
I’d like to talk about the solution, as I have come to be shown it, my eyes and ears open. It’s very simple
Repent of your sins to the Lord God through Jesus the Christ, his death was the one sacrifice for your sins,
for once and for always.
Christ being perfect and sinless was raised by God, is alive and reigns supreme.
Lord of Lords,
and King of Kings.
Because of God’s Love and His sacrifice, you can be forgiven your chosen cursed state and be rectified and reunited with God.
Believe and be saved.
And if you can do this you may be restored through God’s power to your eternal perfect state in the end….which is to say the beginning.
Because, spoiler alert
NONE of us will ever die (says the second Law of thermodynamics, in a second hand way- while God states it in a very direct way. See how He operates?)

But what does that really mean? What is the way one actually goes through this process? I will just tell you what I have learned through the Lord, the Bible, his Word. Take me as of no authority, and check for yourself. Take it only as a personal testimony of Jesus Christ. How does one repent of their sins?
Go to God
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
The God of the Living Savior Jesus
Yes, the God of the JEWS
and with Jesus death
The God of salvation to the gentiles, which now means...all the world.
Yes, that’s correct every person on planet Earth is offered freely the gift of salvation
for it is written “All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.”
Great news! That makes every person equally guilty of sin in God’s eyes.

God is Holy, the antithesis of sin. The two cannot coexist. To be with God, your “evolution” (horrible phrase but you get the metaphor easily enough I think), requires this justification.
The penalty of sin is death – it may as well be the the law of entropy.
There is only one disease in the world and our Father told it to us in the beginning, sin.
The effects thereof manifest in a million different forms. What kind of sin? Oh, just you know the hits – the seven deadly sins given to us by God’s Word: Greed, wrath, sloth, envy, lust, vanity, and gluttony.
These are not the core problems of the WORLD
These are YOUR problems
Well, my problems too
Annnnd just one more SMALL catch on the sin front
– Jesus made and amendment to sin that if you even THINK these things in your head – commit these things in your head – that is counted just as if you had committed the sin actually.
Personally with God’s help I am able to boil these down into one thing -fear. Perhaps I will talk deeper about fear another time. If you want a very simple form for the powers which rule man, and man’s choices I see them from the standpoint of love and fear. Or I should say love OR fear.
The problem with these problems is that we are all different, we all received different types of tests and tribulations in this life, Jesus said we would.
We received different measures, of different sins, and different trials, at different times, and different ages,
and we have a problem understanding each others differences
Everyone’s “formula” is different.
That means – how the hell could you possibly solve someone else’s formula? You don’t even know all the inputs to your own? And if you’re trying to solve millions of problems and not your own? How long will you not work on the solution?
If you work on the problems you will stay in the problem-
cut to the solution – concentrate on THAT.

This is why, in many ways we are separated one another – varying degrees and manifestation of sin ,by addiction, disease, depression, mental health, etc. on and on, in our lives. And if you live in it, and stay in it, you will become it, and spread it – and thereby “be” it.
It is a type of virus, unto itself.
In the old days, before Jesus God gave people a way to repent – it included the sacrifice of lambs, doves, cute and fluffy.
Because….sin takes death you see, the penalties of sin is death. There are SEVERE consequences to your actions.
It’s barbaric, I agree.
You’d think people would stop….but they can’t.
Not then, not now, not ever.
Quite frankly for all man’s great talk, the world goes nowhere but down
shinier sure, more bling. But certainly not better – don’t worry for all you bling lovers in the world, you’re about to get so much shiny luminescent stuff you won’t be able to stand it, literally.
Nope beautiful, spotless, perfect little lambs destroyed one after another – oh well so sorry.
God has shown, man cannot keep the law – the commandments. Almost none would make it.
Also God knows the predicament we’ve put ourselves in.
We’re not just in an evil world, it’s obvious how we are surrounded clearly by a TRULY EVIL, satanic world, the veil is only now lifting.
But you see Christ tore the veil with his death – just after Jesus of Nazareth died the veil – a 20’ (?) tall piece of tapestry which USED to separate the high priest in the presence of God, from “the people of God,” atoning for ALL the people’s sins.
That place – the Holy of Holies – the presence of God – is now unbarred to ….wait for it….
YOU and YOU alone
He wrote you a book
He wrote you a love letter
He wrote you a history lesson
He wrote you a text book
He wrote you the highest of science though you cannot see it
(the burning bush anyone? A bush which both lives in creation and destruction – green and aflame - in a quantum state and lies undisturbed nor consumed perpetually – hmmmmm. I mean, wow. And that, I was going to say just a pittance to God but that diminishes the glory of it. Let’s say a spec of sand on the beach of encoded wonder and scientific, and mathematical awe of YHWH).

If your idea of God is some thing on a cloud somewhere like idk what form your brainwashing took– I pity you – mine knows exactly what a singularity is, and that IS nothing to him. Mine is AWESOME. Personally I can’t wait to ask Him why electrons behave as a wave when you aren’t looking at them and as a particle when you do – but I’m a bit of a nerd.
The Alpha and Omega
The beginning and the end
I AM that I AM saith God
I am God and there is none like me
Then He sent you his Son to tell you
to tell YOU
let that sink in
– and then some more
He encoded the book to a level it makes ancient aliens look ridiculous, childish even– and exposes it for the direct lie which it is. It’s so funny how far people will go to find some great “mystery” when REALITY is FAR, far, far more out there, glorious, strange, and majestic.
The mystery of mysteries. He tells it all to you, right up front though. Calls all his shots, thousands of years in advance. Writes it all down. Holds nothing back, well...heh He is still God.
Let’s just say he tells you straight everything you need to know right now troop.

If it were not so I would have told you….

He makes no demands of you – these are your choices – you have freewill.
Unlike the will of this world which demands your subserviance, your free will, for the “good” of all.
Or rather, all the people that matter
The sophisticated ones.

So you say – you were going to say something about how one might go about doing such a thing before you went off on about 5 tangents. Why the hub-bub Bub?

Do you believe that God loves YOU personally enough that he would die for you to be his through Jesus sacrifice? If not then keep seeking Him until you do -
for it is written Those who seek, will find

Go somewhere in the quiet
ask to speak with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
in the name of Jesus Christ
Take a look at your life – search out the sin in it – search out the sin in yourself – not in the world
Then go to your Father in Heaven
In the quiet place – in your heart - in your soul – in your Spirit
The kingdom of God is within you
Admit to him your acknowledgment of your wrongs, maybe sometimes despite your best efforts even.
Look at who you are IN YOUR HEAD, in the darkest corners of your soul and your thoughts.
He already knows – it is written God knows every hair on your head – HE KNOWS – you think you are going to tell God hmm? Hilarious -
Reach outwards, reach inwards just reach –
it is written If I make my bed in Heaven you are there, and if I descend into the lowest depths you are there
Now forgive others
Once you realize who YOU are….realize everyone else is just as &^%$ as you – it is only a matter if they realize it or not….just like you….just until a few moments ago before you “stumbled” upon these words
Forgive your enemies – terrorist, the democrats, the Jews, vaxxers, anti-vaxxers, whoever, any of them. But more importantly all of them.
For, it is written
Jesus said salvation comes from understanding, and understanding from hearing, and hearing is from the Word, and the Word is from God.
Not my words, His.
Turn to
Think of every single person you have harmed, or has harmed you
Even if you don’t believe it – even if you are completely faking it – do it
Because God told you to – Jesus specifically as well
And keep doing it – and keep forgiving and saying and praying every time until you do – forgive every person and party which has ever wronged you – release them from your judgmental sins before your Father in Heaven for
They know not what they do
and neither do you – learn this – and go directly to your Father in Heaven for your instruction. And you Father gave you a manual so there would be

(King James Version is the absolute best route to go – why? Because the Old Covenant is translated directly from Hebrew, and the new from original Greek, and Aramaic…..gentile languages by the apostles….hmmmm
curiouser and curiouser
And – as Jesus said – then YOUR Father in Heaven will forgive YOU also
Judge not, lest Ye be judged
And the disciples asked Jesus – how many times should we forgive our brother? Seven times? No! Jesus replied, “Seven times seventy!” (which is a prophetic number 490, the deeper lesson is don’t stop forgiving)
And thereby
release yourself.
Because God’s ways are perfect – the things he told you to do – are not for subjugation, but your protection, your growth, your instruction.
Your perfection
Carrie Fischer summed it up well, it has always stuck with me “resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”

Tell God you claim the free gift of salvation through Jesus the one and only Holy Son of God. Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, the comforter
to teach you
to guide you
all the days of your life
He is more than just a way out of this for you.
But the hour is late.

26 When the Helper comes,
Whom I will send to you from the Father,
that is the Spirit of truth
who proceeds from the Father,
He will testify about Me,
1 John 15:26

7 But I tell you the truth, it is profitable for you
that I should go away: for unless I go away
the Helper will not come to you; but if I go,
I will send Him to you.
8 And having come He will convict the world
concerning sin, and concerning righteousness,
and concerning judgment.
1 John 16: 7-8

If you do this now it is enough, if you mean it. If you, like I see the absolute beauty in it, the “grace.”
Now go, and sin no more Jesus said……
Learn my ways, walk in them and be perfect, for I am perfect.
Good luck with that – I hope that works out for you –
I hope you are miraculously transformed into some pure human henceforth
Via con Dios mate
I missed the first part. I half-assed learned his ways.
Mine was an evolution (stupid word again) of a relationship that I got exactly out of it what I put into it
You probably will too.
You know, funny enough what it was like for me?
It’s like turning and eleven day trip from Egypt to Israel, the Promised Land, into a forty year F&^%$# up romp through the wilderness, and all the madness that comes with it
I learned, I lived, I succeeded, I failed, I sinned, I repented, I began to fix, and I changed – or I should say was changed over time, slowly
SO slowly, because I am slow
There’s another bit of real good news as Jesus did say – your new found relationship with God is open to you 24/7, and requires only your heart, your soul, and Your Spirit to God.
Seek it out –
and, like everything else it just gets better
it is
the Love of my life
My first, my always, my love
He is first
because if HE is not first, you could not be second –
I would be mostly first, last, and always
only to the point where I looked good to the world

Do you remember when I related to you that Jesus said it was now an actual sin to commit sin in your head? How did that make you feel? Did you chafe at that? Does that rub you a little raw instead of thinking -
There is no person, no president, no businessman, nor hairdresser, nor actor, nor Pope, which has now, nor ever, nor ever will, nor can justify themselves before God – all are equal before God.
For, it is written All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
All, God cannot lie.
All, God is Holy.
That is phenomenal news part 1
part 2 is
It also means
Prayer is powerful, God is powerful. God makes the intangible, tangible. Massless thought has actual real world (positive) consequences without border. In other words, energy.
It’s not a spell, not some magic bs – not vibrating at some mystical frequency – you can’t trick God.
You are interacting with a force which encompasses this universe and I have no idea how many more. Not some ridiculous third eye (well heck perhaps it is but it hardly matters what the definition is – what it IS you will get it regardless whether you understand it or not.)
We are talking about a force which stands….outside of time itself. I’m not sure you’ve worked out the ramifications of that yet.
It is not YOU, who do anything – you have no power, and no ability to see the future, what or who is REALLY good for you, nor barely know the truth in this world.
Nor I
But know this...those people in the middle east, you saw on the media, christian men, women, and children being hunted down like prey and slaughtered – the Lord hears your prayers for them, and he answers.
Those Taliban members you saw abusing women and making slaves – God hears your prayers to soften their hearts, to let the sunlight of his mercy and grace light upon the ground of their hearts that they may receive all of the grace, mercy, and peace you have so freely given me Lord.
You have been so good to me though I have not deserved it

And now I will be possibly a bit harsh – or at least a harsh reality.
You are in a war.
And you’re going to lose. Well, haha, the world is going to lose.
The Book is written
It is done.
But this is not your world – this world belongs to the Prince of the Air, of the invisible
Father of lies
and of murder. He was the first murderer.
Those thoughts in your head – you know, the dark ones – negatives about yourself and the ever changing world and people around you
Those are attacks
And those battles need to be fought and conquered with you and the Lord in your head
And if you’re loosing? Then learn more, and go to God
And go to God
And go to God
If you do this, maybe he will do for you what He has done for me
Transform me, closer to Him
Luckily the Lord told you what 90% of the evil one’s argument would be to you-

Did God REALLY say….
I will just go ahead and give you the answer to the test
The answer is
He did
If it’s in the King James Bible that’s what God said – or at least as close as you’re getting to it in this world

In this world you are a pilgrim, a sojourner
In THIS world, you will have trouble
But fear not, and be of GOOD CHEER
for greater is He (who is now in YOU)
who has overcome the world
Than he (Satan) that is IN the world

You cannot be beaten
You cannot be overcome
You cannot be taken out of his hand

He can shut what no man can open
and open what no man can shut
(your heart for 1, my heart for 2)

If you’ve taken Jesus Christ as your savior – you’ve already won – it’s just a matter of the clock running out now
The Book is written, the shots called, the game is won. Amen.
The gift
Like all real, and good gifts

But what have you REALLY gained?
Well one we haven’t mentioned yet
Eternal life
free of sin (I have almost no way of comprehending that really)
in a “new” body, incorruptible
learning all there is to learn
At God’s feet

Oh sure, everybody knows that one!
You say

Well, the same can be said for the world, a restoration of ALL things
of all
to the beginning
to a perfect and perpetual state (freed from the law of entropy in the universe)

Not to mention in the time I DO have
Change all of my weaknesses into strengths – battles hard fought and won sometimes – lessons learned – addictions broken – depressions overcome
More lessons learned, experience gained
now able to be passed on – hopefully following the Lord where I did not – and just avoid Egypt
all together
grace, forgiveness, humility
grattitude, blessing, mercy

Subject myself to Him and what is good for me and not what I “want.”
Because I trust my Father in Heaven
Because He loves me unto death
And now, I Him

Every person will die (almost :)
All may die once
But God’s chosen may ONLY die once
The rest die twice

And let’s not forget your customer service
24/7 to the throne room of God chat line we mentioned before
Also nice, also nice.

If you go to church once a week to get with the Lord that’s exactly what you will get.

What can you get?
Idk what does it feel like falling in Love, with you know
All good things come from God
{{{{{Your place is here}}}}}
From God comes all good things

You need to go get the things from God
and the only way to do that is to follow his word
Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God
Fill yourself with the Word
Fill yourself with the Book
Fill yourself to the brim with Jesus the Christ
The Water of Life
Pour it into the earthen vessels

And God will change you to wine

Do you know what Jesus calls you?
You are his
You see, His poem
The love of HIS life as well
Amen and amen

At first when you begin this relationship it may seem
strange, weird, new
Every new thing always does – learn french, guitar, karate, tax law
And I mean, let’s be honest here – this compares to what else?
What other religion, or thought process comes close to this?
I say nothing
Your thoughts are your own
But I can say I sought many dead ends out

I no longer really try to go to God
I’d rather stay with Him
I try to, and I must say I am finding
(– in my grand, experiment is not the right word-
Relationship with my Lord. Relationship is not UP to par either though.
I understand why he calls it a marriage now – an ever increasing union of Spirit
in an ever increasingly intimate way)
That more and more
I want to be apart less and less
Spiritual gravity? Or the kin

Understand this as well
until you take the direct mark of the beast
You can be saved
I don’t make the rules

It is between He
and Thee alone

So that’s now you, God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit
That’s quite the A-team ya got goin there Ace
That’s quite the little army you have there
But know this
The Lord loves you and I
don’t confuse that with needs you and I

He doesn’t need me to harm anything in his name
He said he can take care of all that himself
when He settles up
which I think is soon – but then again I am absorbing his Word now
Are you?
Does it armor you like it does me? Does it give you new eyes to see, and
Ears to hear?
Does it give you a refuge like a fortress inside you, on a high mountain of bedrock
when madness
and hypocrisy are shoved in your face like me?
Are you loosing your fear of this beast like I?
Or does your fear grow
Is He alight in your mind?
So you can see?
Or are you in there alone?
In the dark
– in a cell of your own making?
fighting against an invisible enemy
Which surely CAN see in the dark
IS the dark
clung to you
whispering to you
an assassin
a lying master wearing
the robes of
the warmest smile of shining love
All the while those whispers – silent as poison arrows
sink into your heart, your mind, and your Spirit
Hath (thhhhh) God really said?

Whispered the serpent.

Does that voice, thought, whatever still jump into my head?
Less and less but yes
But now I know
Legion for we are many
is subject to the One who is All.
when it speaks, it now only has the power I give it
Craves fear
lust, wrath, darkness
deafness, dumbness, and blindness
it abhors true beauty
and adores the fake, the vain, the made-up
That voice, like mine may never leave you-
but you will begin defeating IT
You will make it hate its life
inside you
and it will
FLEE from you
as from a burning house

All God needs from you is to proclaim his truth
That is the battle
You will proclaim it, until the end –
where ever yours
and mine may roam
he will win it
All will witness it

And so,
My Lord has come to make a bargain with you
Independent of I
nor what I think, or feel
or perhaps want
whether I like you or not
nor believe in your cause
I am here on orders
From the King
Lord Jesus Christ – who shall take the peoples, and kingdoms of this world by
Decreed by YHWH
from the first words of Genesis

He offers you all salvation
He will “adopt” all into a family of
HIS making

who are
my brothers, and my sisters, and my mothers
Oh you I have never met
in Africa
in China
in Toronto eh?
In the ground
Whom will you be?
I bet that list is way better than the electron thing

I beg of you to find the joy that I have been given in the Lord
and continue to gain
I beg of you to realize and turn from all the shiny lies
and plastic garbage of this world
it’s slavery
it’s beast systems
and it’s dragons

My Lord offers you
dying to yourself now of this world
with a light yolk, and eternal glory

The evil one
would have you just as well murder another
as yourself
oh, it’s no nevermind
I’m sure

I’m going to pass along
a bonus to you -
given by my Lord
Something to help you
“catch up”
so to speak
if you find yourself here
behind the Time, times, and half a time
the hour late, oil low
Get you and your friends together
kind of a date
for it is told to you to
Read “The Revelation” together
out loud
For it is the ONLY book
which offers you a special blessing to both-
the reader
and the hearer
of the Word

3 Blessed is he that readeth,
and they that hear the words of this prophecy,
and keep those things which are written there-in:
for the time is at hand.

Revelation 1: 3

Train wreck (s) plural (South Carolina, VanBuren Township, MI, Houston)
Netflix Movie
White noise
release date 12/30/2023
A train derails in an Ohio town causing an airborne toxic event
locking the town down in a dystopian environment camp

Train wreck
Toxic airborne event
East Palestine Ohio

No help from their own government
Nor barely acknowledgement
JP Morgan
Norfolk Southern

Oh JP Morgan just exposed on Epstein Island-
it looks like they are mad, and retaliating

This is all way beyond 5th gen warfare, blah, blah
This is The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life

And who can make war with the beast?

The truth, that's what

Find Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, The Son of God
repent of your sins
Believe that God loves you enough
that He would die for you,
in your place
And lift the curse we have cursed upon ourselves
which has brought us here
And from that moment on
You had a direct line
to the Father, through the Son and the His/yours/co-mingling of the Holy Spirit inside you
cleansing me/ you (maybe?)
from the inside out- instructing from the Word of God

The Bible is like a software program, constantly (as much as you put into it) making sure the "DNA" of you, is from the source code :).
I tell you, His gifts are endless-and tailored just to you
May the God YHWH bless you with grace
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
In Jesus' name

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