Full Worship Service- 4/10/2022

2 years ago

The Triumphal Kingdom Life; Luke 6:27-31. In this Palm Sunday message, we will combine two Scriptural passages to explore the deep significance of Christ's obedience. Turning first to the Messianic Psalm 118, we will analyze the festal cry of "Hosanna!" which was such a important part of the Triumphal Entry. Then we will ask the question, "what does it mean to be 'blessed' and 'come in the name of the Lord'?". To answer this we will return to our study of Luke and the extraordinary principles, illustrations and Golden Rule that Jesus has commanded His disciples to follow. We will recognize that since these represent true Kingdom-behavior, Jesus would have perfectly kept them Himself and therefore they reflect His divine character. By living out principles like these, He accomplished both His Passive obedience, (leading to the redemption of the Cross), and His Active obedience, (securing the righteousness He would give to those who trust Him as Savior and Lord). Ultimately we will look at our own lives, and ask ourselves if we are also living the Triumphal Kingdom Life-- and if so, what impact that has on the world around us!

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