Vladimir Putin's Indictment Against the New World Order

2 years ago

The more I dig, the more I'm on Putin's side.
Keep in mind, this video is five years old.

No conspiracy theory involved here at all, it is conspiracy FACT; and if you're too ignorant to acknowledge it, you're part of the problem

Vladimir Putin's Indictment Against the New World Order

Originally Published November 24, 2017 on YouTube, it has only had slightly less than 40K views since that time.

Vladimir Putin: "I invite you to publish the world map in your newspaper and to mark all the US military bases on it. You will see the difference."

General Flynn said recently:
“Someone like Vladimir Putin has upset this balance of the New World Order they were trying to achieve by going into Ukraine. And you know, I’m probably the last person that’s going to be a Putin apologist. I won’t be, but what I do understand are the dynamics that are playing out in Ukraine right now.”

The World Economic Forum and billionaires like Gates are angry with Putin for invading Ukraine and ruining their plans for world domination. “All of what we are seeing play out in Europe right now is an upsetting of the balance of the world order as they want it—as people like Israeli professor and historian Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, as people like Klaus Schwab; founder of the World Economic Forum and others,” Flynn said. “Bill Gates is another one.”

These individuals, Flynn claimed, “are very smart, they’re very well resourced, and they have a very sort of strategic idea of how they want to see the world develop.” He added, “God and a soul are not part of that strategy.”

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Schwab and others have been accused by conspiracy theorists of trying to use the Covid-19 pandemic as an opportunity to “reorganize global societies and economies to their benefit” while implementing a “global totalitarian regime” led by the rich and powerful. The conspiracy theory, known as “The Great Reset,” stems from a report by the same name issued by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in June 2020. According to WEF, “’The Great Reset’ is a commitment to jointly and urgently build the foundations of our economic and social system for a more fair, sustainable and resilient future.” But conspiracy theorists see “The Great Reset” as a threat to people everywhere as the global elite concentrate their power and control.

Flynn’s attempt to link Ukraine back to his pet conspiracies muddies the waters, painting Putin as a resistor of global elites, rather than a cruel autocrat invading a sovereign nation to secure his legacy, no matter how many people die as a result.

No conspiracy theory involved here at all, it is conspiracy FACT; and if you're too ignorant to acknowledge it, you're part of the problem.

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