Say Goodbye to Joint Pain With This Olive Oil and Salt Scrub

3 years ago

In today's video, you will learn how to make a homemade oil to treat sore legs.

Do your legs ache? Pain in the legs can have many causes, such as poor circulation, sciatic pain, excessive physical effort, or neuropathy.

To identify the cause of pain, pay attention to the exact place where it hurts and the characteristics of the pain.

Notice if both legs are affected or only one and if the pain lessens or worsens with rest.

Usually, leg pain that doesn't improve with rest suggests circulation problems, like a peripheral vascular disease.

Sore legs after waking up might be a sign of nocturnal cramps or lack of circulation.

Depending on its intensity, the pain can even affect your daily chores and cause problems in your quality of life.

The reasons for pain in the legs are many, ranging from lack of physical activities to even genetic factors, which should be analyzed by an expert doctor.

Do you want to learn a natural recipe that can help you?

This homemade recipe can help to lessen your muscle and joint pains. And you only need two ingredients: salt and extra virgin olive oil.

That's right, an accessible, simple option that can help even with bone issues (like osteoporosis). Isn't it amazing?

So, what do you think of this recipe? Did you know this homemade oil already? Try it at your home and see how your leg pain improves.

0:00 Pain in the leg causes
0:59 Homemade recipe for natural leg pain relief
1:47 How to make a natural ointment to treat leg pain



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