3 Spices That Fight Arthritis and Knee Pain

3 years ago

Do you feel pain in your knees? Knee pain is one of the most common issues nowadays. And not for nothing.

During the day, we walk, run, and go up and down the stairs. And the knees are responsible for our mobility.

In today's video, we will see 3 spices that can be helpful to treat knee and joint pain.


Turmeric has a powerful compound called curcumin, which helps a lot in treatments for pain since it works as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

A way of using turmeric to alleviate knee pain is its tea.


From the same family as turmeric, ginger is another great natural option for alleviating pain. We have many recipes with it on our channel. It can be used as tea or essential oil.

Another option is to massage your knees with ginger oil.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper has capsaicin, a very spicy active that is also known for its soothing properties. And you can consume it as tea or paste.

Cayenne pepper tea is one of the easiest and more efficient ways of enjoying all the properties.

Now that you know how to use these 3 spices to prevent knee pain, why don't you try them and tell us how it went?

Did you know any of the recipes already?

Besides helping alleviate your pain, they can also be used to highlight the flavors of your favorite dishes.

Try it and discover all the benefits!

0:00 Best Spices to Treat Arthritis and Knee Pain
0:24 Turmeric for Knee Pain
1:02 Ginger for Arthritis
1:37 Cayenne Pepper Recipe for Knee Pain Relief


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