Response to TTR's Blog--What Happens When You Put A "History Teacher" Above God's Word?

2 years ago


On Friday, April 8, 2022, TTR responded to this video with a follow-up blog post titled "The History Teacher Barks Back." Interested parties are encouraged to read it at the following link.

In the blog, TTR cited the Online Etymological Dictionary's (OED) entry for "new" as proof of their argument that "new" is something wholly different from "re." In doing so, they quote the following:

"Middle English neue, from Old English neowe, niowe, earlier niwe "made or established for the first time, fresh, recently made or grown; novel, unheard-of, DIFFERENT FROM THE OLD; untried, inexperienced, unused," from Proto-Germanic *neuja- (source also of Old Saxon niuwi, Old Frisian nie, Middle Dutch nieuwe, Dutch nieuw, Old High German niuwl, German neu, Danish and Swedish ny, Gothic niujis "new")."

Careful readers will notice that one of the definitions of "new" in the very source cited by TTR (OED) means "different from the old" i.e., "new" does not exclusively mean "FOR THE FIRST TIME," as they have asserted. Moreover, the very same dictionary (OED) utilized by TTR defines "regeneratION" as "a being born AGAIN," a point that was explicitly covered in our video from April 7 and completely ignored by TTR. Put another way, "regeneration" means the "radical spiritual CHANGE in an individual accomplished by the action of God" i.e., a change from the "old" to the "new." Therefore, the very dictionary utilized by TTR in their attempted rebuttal does not support their point.

It is interesting the TTR would even use/cite from the OED in seeking to answer this video given their statements from their March 16 video titled "Wretched Radio vs Truth Time Radio: To Be, or Not To Be Born Again" (see link below) in which they stated, "(18:42) No need to word search, you can LAY DOWN THE MAN-MADE DICTIONARIES. And you don't have to Greek it. The Bible in English is just fine. This Bible, GOD'S WORD IS ITS OWN DICTIONARY. We simply compare scripture with scripture and sit back and watch the dots connect (19:00)." Yet now, on April 8 one finds TTR not following their own advice while selectively using a dictionary to privately define words in the King James Bible. Meanwhile, TTR has ignored the pile of evidence presented in this video as to the meaning and usage of the words regeneration/regenerate from the 16th and 17th centuries, the very research they called for in their blog post from March 20. As if this weren't enough, TTR complains of having been "misrepresented."

In terms of bluster, rhetoric, misdirection, projection, and ad-hominem attacks TTR deserves an A+. In terms of content, sincerity, and honesty with the ideas of an interlocutor much less a fellow member of the body of Christ TTR's actions speak for themselves.


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Response To TTR--PDF Document Presented in This Video (Note: This Version contains a correction of a typo that was present in the copy presented in the video.)

What Happens When You Put A "History Teacher" Above God's Word? (TTR Blog from 3/20/22)

Wretched Radio vs Truth Time Radio: To Be, or Not To Be Born Again (TTR YouTube Video from 3/16/22)

Born Again or Regenerated: Is There A Difference? (GLBC Video 3/6/22)

Born Again or Regenerated: Is There a Difference? (Part 2) (GLBC Video 3/13/22)

Lexicons of Early Modern English (Quick Search)

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Critical Social Justice & Scripture (YouTube Playlist)

Grace History Project YouTube Playlist

From This Generation For Ever Class Website

Just Grace It Podcast With Bryan and Becky Ross (SPOTIFY)

Just Grace It Podcast With Bryan and Becky Ross (APPLE PODCASTS)

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