If You Drink Coffee Everyday, You Should Pay Attention To This!

3 years ago

Although coffee was seen as a villain in the past, it is actually healthy. We have talked about it a few times on our channel.

Coffee is full of antioxidants, and many studies noted that regular consumption of coffee is linked to a reduced risk of serious diseases.

Some studies even suggest that 'coffee drinkers' may live longer. Did you know that?

However, a lot of people have been wondering if their coffee could have mold in it.

For most people, the idea of drinking a dark beverage and seeing an insect or piece of dirt in the bottom of their cup is absolutely horrifying.

But is this scenario better or worse than drinking a cup of coffee full of mold that you can't even see?

We have some bad news for you: that fine cup of coffee that you drank this morning (or 10 minutes ago) may have mold spores.

Some people say that most of the coffees available on the market are contaminated by mycotoxins, which cause poisoning when inhaled or consumed in excess, increasing the risk of diseases.

Mycotoxins are formed by the minuscule fungi that grow on plantations or incorrectly stored coffee beans.

These fungi cause health issues, like increased risk of liver cancer, brain damage, neurodegenerative problems, and olfactive issues.

Mycotoxins may also be linked to dopamine depletion, which leads to symptoms of depression and chronic fatigue.

Watch the video as we will explore some suggestions to keep mold spores away from your coffee – and, more importantly, away from your body!

0:00 Introduction
0:43 Mycotoxins in coffee
1:57 How to get rid of mold from your coffee


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