Thurston County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner April 9th, 2022

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Thurston County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner April 9th, 2022

Saturday, April 9, 2022
Olympia Hotel by Capitol Lake
2300 Evergreen Parkway, Olympia

5 p.m. VIP cocktail hour or 6 p.m. general entry

"Be sure to put your feet in the right place, then stay firm." - Abraham Lincoln

Our nation has found a solid footing in freedom and individual liberty, to move our feet now, would be to desert the very foundation that our lives have been staked upon for centuries. With that sure footing, we will take back our state and our nation in 2022 from those who seem to have placed their feet in the shifting sands.

Keynote speaker:
Iraq War Veteran and author Scotty Smiley, husband to Tiffany Smiley, current candidate for U.S. Senate.

We've got an amazing line-up of state representatives to hear from, including:
- Senate Minority Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, 20th District
- Rep. Andrew Barkis, R-Olympia, 2nd District
- Rep. Peter Abbarno, R-Centralia, 20th District
- Rep. Dan Griffey, 35th District
- Rep. Drew MacEwan, 35th District
- Rep. Jim Walsh, R-Aberdeen, 19th District
- Rep. Joel McEntire, 19th District
- Rep. Kelly Chambers, R-Puyallup, 25th District


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