You Will Never Want To Put A Lemon Wedge In Your Water Again

2 years ago

Have you ever added some lemon slices to your drinks?

You probably have gone to a restaurant where the waiter asked if you wanted lemon in your glass, haven't you?

After all, there is nothing more refreshing than a drink like that... sadly, it seems like there is nothing more unsanitary than that, too. Did you know that?

In today's video, you will learn what hides behind those lemon slices that decorate our drinks.

We all agree that a glass of sparkling water with a lemon slice gives the image of something clean and refreshing, but the truth is far from that.

A study from the Journal of Environmental Health analyzed lemons in 21 lemons, and 70% of them had microbes.

At this point, you are probably thinking that lemon slices aren't the only things contaminated in a restaurant kitchen.

All that is left to do is be careful. Choose clean restaurants and trust your immune system since we can't live in a contamination-free bubble.

Share this video with your friends who like eating out or love a refreshing drink with some lemon slices...



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