7 Reasons to Eat Chokeberry, A Superfood That Improves Your Heart Health

3 years ago

Have you ever heard about aronia? In today's video, you will learn the benefits of this little fruit that resembles acai berry.

Aronia berries, also called chokeberries, are a superfood filled with beneficial antioxidants.

According to studies, chokeberries have many health benefits, such as improving heart health and reducing cancer risk.

Native from North America, chokeberry is a healthy berry filled with many nutrients, including powerful antioxidants.

Aronia is known for its astringent flavor and can be found in woodlands and swamps.

Aronia is usually found in three varieties – red, purple, and black. They can be cultivated as foods or ornamental plants.

Check out the benefits of this incredible fruit:

Improves cardiovascular health
Contributes to brain health
Healthy eyes
Improves Digestion
Improves colds
Aids in cases of Diabetes
Promotes urinary tract health

So, did you like learning about the benefits of chokeberry?

You can find chokeberries in natural health stores or online.

If you find aronia, try it. Then, come here and share your experience with us.

0:00 Introduction
0:12 Chokeberry (Aronia) Benefits
0:58 Improves cardiovascular health
1:19 Contributes to brain health
1:43 Healthy eyes
1:58 Improves Digestion
2:17 Improves colds
2:39 Aids in cases of Diabetes
3:06 Promotes urinary tract health
3:33 Where to find and how to eat chokeberry


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