( -0338 ) After Pelosi Tested Positive For COVID-19 She's Kissed By Joe Biden - Psaki Says It Isn't "Close Contact" Because CDC Has the 5 Second Rule, I Mean...

2 years ago

Psaki was asked about a Video of Nancy Pelosi Kissing Joe Biden After she tested Positive For COVID-19 ( - 0338)

Psaki is skilled at maintaining a sort of slightly varied but almost monotone delivery.

We use the 5-second rule to decide if M&M's dropped on the floor can still be eaten. Not to be confused with the erudite CDC and its 15 minute and 6 feet rules.

What's bizarre here is not that the CDC accepts the viral load hypothesis only when it suits them; (if for political gain they would freak out every chance they got, forcing people indoors, when THAT was what was creating the high viral load contact (poor air filtration, the unhealthy aspect of exposure to indoor heating which causes dry air that in turn would be thought to make virus particles more intact - moisture is said to break them down so they are no longer transmissive or functioning).

It is the fact that the CDC rule does not even apply to situations where significant body fluid from one person may reach another person. Its not as though the CDC says, "Go ahead and hug and kiss for 14 minutes..." As someone who has worked in medical settings I find it hard to believe that the Biden Administration would not simply admit that Yes, close contact did occur

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