#5 The Hidden Physical Health Risks of Abortion and Informed Consent: For a Teenage Girl and Her Physician

2 years ago


DOVE 12 review, Synopsis
(lower down)
Dec 13, 2022, Notes from producer, B.Keith Neely
20 years ago I believe God asked me to use my video production company to get the national television networks to sponsor a documentary about abortion risks to women.

They all refused.

The justification for abortion is based entirely on lies. There is no truth whatsoever.

Two of the prominent lies are that

#1--- it destroys only non-human tissue and

#2---that it’s a quick easy fix- a woman can terminate her pregnancy safely and not experience any long term pain or unexpected consequences.

Global research says there have been
1 billion abortions.

Research also points out that 1 in 4 women in the pew have had an abortion.

My experience is that the church seems to be under- motivated to address what I believe God sees as totally horrific.

I think The Narrative”” has seeped into the church. If for example, someone would justify that abortion may be the best course of action for the tragic situation of rape, that answer comes from the abortion narrative.

Raped Post abortion, women in this documentary tell us that there is a better solution.

The truth is that governments and health authorities have known for two decades that abortion is a significant cause of many problems such as preterm birth.

And Preterm birth, especially the extreme preterm birth from abortion, is a major cause of autism and cerebral palsy.

The government’s own information reveals that cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption also cause preterm birth. They warn of those risks -- so why don’t they warn of the abortion risk?

I answer that question in documentary number 2 “Censored- The 4 ways medical authorities censor medical truth.”

The facts are induced abortion also increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer and death from ectopic pregnancies along with other life altering risks such as infertility.

Planned Parenthood does everything in its power to suppress the knowledge of these risks.


History shows that women will change their behaviour to protect their health: The sale of hormone replacement therapy fell off the cliff when it was linked to cancer.

And the destruction of so called non-human tissue?

Biology confirms scripture- we are fully human from the moment of conception.

Does God care? God is far more than our image of the kindly bearded man holding the child on his lap.

Christians are troubled by the Israelites being told to totally wipe out some of the cities as they took over the promised land. But God had his reasons: They were the people who sacrificed live children to false gods.

God loves children and will take drastic measures to protect them.

We should consider ourselves warned.

The other documentary on abortion in this series is about the horrific and permanent emotional damage to the woman having an abortion. It comes next in the series.

This documentary is about the physical risks of abortion.

Meet 6 women as they share the tragic consequences of their choice but also God’s healing.

As well, the documentary explains how the door is wide open to class action lawsuits. Why?

Because they did not give their informed consent for the abortion-- meaning it is a case of medical malpractice.

Start of Dove review
Everyone “knows” that abortion is a safe, fast, easy and relatively painless way to get on with life. But is it true?

A teenage girl, along with her friends, research and compare the “truth” of the safety of abortion according to the internet vs. the actual-but-suppressed truth which has been proven by extensive medical research.

Three leading pro-life physicians coupled with 3D animations reveal how dangerous an abortion really is to a woman and her future children.

Also meet six women, post-abortion, who experienced the lasting health risks of their abortion including sterility, ectopic pregnancy, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The Informed Consent section explains that a physician is guilty of medical malpractice if the patient is not fully apprised of a procedure’s health risks.

The documentary was written in careful cooperation with The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), through their director, Dr. Donna Harrison, to ensure accuracy.

Dove Review

Everything we do involves some risk, and to be forewarned is forearmed. So one would assume important medical procedures would come with detailed risk information. But when that procedure means high monetary profit—and power to a feminist movement—the explanation of risks are vacuous at best and downright lies at worst. Ironic that the feminist movement doesn’t demand women receive information crucial to their health. Aborting a baby is sold as a safe “quick fix,” a disposable inconvenience. The only thing quick is the money transfer to the provider’s bank account, while the post-abortive woman faces a lifetime of damage.

Writer and director B. Keith Neely brought us Wounded and Abandoned: The Emotional Risks of Abortion and is just as thorough with this documentary investigating the physical risks of abortion. Experts and clinicians explain their findings of physical repercussions of having an abortion.

Survivors relate their personal experiences of the effects of abortion in their lives, some quite horrific. Each describes the lack of information with which they were forced to make a decision. They felt the abortion doctors, nurses and counselors deliberately downplayed and veiled the true and dire risks.

Nothing was said of the risks of hemorrhaging, infertility, sepsis, pelvic inflammation disease, future ectopic pregnancies and proven links to breast cancer. Premature birth, cerebral palsy or autism spectrum disorders in future children were certainly not on the abortion provider’s list of possible complications.

A very relevant aspect of the abortion industry is the process of getting informed consent. Neely’s documentary addresses the intentionally difficult legalese of an abortion consent form, designed not to be understood. A frightened, emotional young woman could barely find the line to sign much less understand the deliberately convoluted wording. According to one expert, “Doctors are guilty of malpractice if they don’t get an informed consent.”

Keywords: malpractice, informed.

This documentary will equip and enlighten. However, due to the subject matter of this film, it isn’t appropriate for younger children, and the Dove Foundation awards it the 12+ Seal.

The Dove take

Very little information is given to women by abortion providers regarding the physical risks and repercussions of having an abortion. This life-changing information is often hidden, and consent is dubiously extracted from prospective women.

What to talk about

The feminist movement not protecting women with relevant medical abortion information, the problems faced by future children of post-abortive women and the call to use malpractice suits against providers who don’t clearly inform of the risks.

Content Description
Faith: The film seeks to support the fight against the killing of babies created in God’s
Integrity: A central part of the film revolves around expert and tested clinical facts.
Sex: None
Language: None
Violence: None
Drugs: None
Nudity: None
Other: Intended to enhance understanding, a simple computer-generated image representing a cross-section of a uterus undergoing an abortion is shown but could be disturbing to some.
Company: B. Keith Neely/Wounded and Abandoned
Writer: B. Keith Neely
Director: B. Keith Neely
Producer: B. Keith Neely
Genre: Documentary
Runtime: 47 min.
Starring: Survivors Cheryl, Kim, Cindy-Lynne, Andre, Michelle, Denise, Mayoli, Amanda, Alyssa Medical and legal Experts: Jean Echlin, MSc., Dr. Margaret Somerville, Dr. Byron Calhoun, Dr. Angela LanFranchi, Dr. Priscilla Coleman, Dr. Deborah Zeni, Dr. Barrie deVeber

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