Ragu shares his late father's post-jab experience. Ragu分享他已故父亲的接种疫苗后的经历

2 years ago

Ragu's father received 2 jabs between June and September 2021. He lost consciousness on the 13 Nov and passed away on the 17 Nov 2021. Doctors initially explained that he died of unknown causes, not because of heart attack or pneumonia. However, subsequently, his death certificate stated "..., heart attack and pneumonia."
Ragu and his brother appealed for autopsy to be done but were their 3 appeals were rejected by the coroner. For this, he made a police a report to investigate this matter...

Ragu 的父亲于2021年6-9月期间打了2针疫苗,他在11月13日失去知觉,并于2021年11月17 日去世。医生解释死亡原因未知,不是心脏病和肺炎,然而死亡证明却写着死亡原因是心脏病、肺炎。Ragu 和他的兄弟呼吁进行尸检,但他们的三次上诉均被验尸官驳回。Ragu已就此事报警...

From our event: How "safe" are the Covid-19 vaccines really? 27/3/2022

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