The Obama Gambit

2 years ago

Look at the economy. Buy physical gold and silver now:

I was never really into "conspiracy theories" until the 2020 election. But since then, I've become more questioning of nearly every official narrative from the election to Covid-19 and their "vaccines" to the CIA's involvement in setting the stage for the Ukraine-Russia war. I don't believe every theory I hear, but like a Berean testing against scripture, I take conspiracy theories and test them against known facts and the agenda of the globalist elites.

On today's episode of The Midnight Sentinel, I explored a theory that has been popping up more over the past couple of weeks. Hearing it requires a suspension of disbelief, or as some people say, "putting on your tinfoil hat" even if only for a moment. But I'm confident that as far-fetched as it may seem, it's still plausible when we consider just how desperate the Democrats are right now and how driven the globalist elites are.

With the acknowledgement by the New York Times and subsequent acknowledgements by other leftist news outlets that the Hunter Biden "Laptop from Hell" is real, many have come to the conclusion that there are plans being set in motion to take down Joe Biden. The Deep State doesn't allow their corporate media puppets to acknowledge facts without good reason, and at this point the only viable reason would be to pressure or even control Joe Biden. Is this their play to push him out of the White House?

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