New Referee? Must Watch- Spot Foul Mechanics Matter / Key's for Success

2 years ago

If you want to seperate yourself from other refs on the court or in our associations make sure you watch this episode. We go through clips showing the right way and wrong way.
Don't Rush
Collect info and tell everyone what happened.
Walking Around not Through
Gather information and Report

The calling official should perform the following duties in order:
1. Inform the timer and alert the scorer by sounding the whistle with a single sharp blast. While raising one hand fists clenched straight and high above the head.

2. When clarification is needed delay and extend the other hand palm down toward the fouling player’s hips bird dog signal

3. While holding the foul signal move toward the play and near the fouling player. Stop and verbally inform the player that he or she fouled by stating the jersey color and number.

4. Lower the foul signal and indicate the nature of the foul by giving a preliminary signal

5. If a team control foul signal in direction of the non fouling team’s basket. If a shooting foul verbally give free throw shooters number two the shooter and other officials visually give the number of free-throws to the non calling official

6. Indicate the throw-in spot if a throw-in will follow

7. If basket has been scored signal to count as soon as it is legally scored. If a try attempt is not to be awarded whether or not the attempt is good immediately wipe off the attempt with the appropriate signal.

8. Do not be in a rush to leave the play area if players are in close proximity or on the ground. Attend to the dead ball situation at the point of the play before leaving to report to the table.

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