Pool Sprints - 20210811

3 years ago

Do something EVERY SINGLE DAY that challenges you and makes you better. Whether it's a book, a workout, your craft, or your walk with the LORD, be the best that you can be. By taking care of yourself, you're better suited to reach out and help lift others up on their journey! We're all in this together. Sometimes all it takes for someone to reach that next level is for someone above to reach down and lift them up. Let's all grow together!

Today's Routine:

500m Swim

10 x 50m sprints (alt front crawl and breast stroke)

Core Routine:
4 x 30s (Planks, 6", Leg Raises, Leg Scissors)

Hot Tub Stretch

#sungalife #notaprofessionalswimmer #icantflipkick

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