New Documentary Pulls Back Curtain on Transgender Mission

3 years ago

Children who experience gender dysphoria are not only being offered puberty blockers, but also surgery to remove or alter body parts.

No one, including doctors, “wants to be framed as a bigot,” Jennifer Lahl, creator of the film “Trans Mission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender,” says. “That’s one of the reasons why doctors are feeling pushed into doing things that they know is not good medicine, because they don’t want to be shunned by their professional society.”

Lahl, who is also the president of The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, has a background in pediatric nursing and has made films on the topic of surrogacy and women who sell their eggs to help other women have a baby.

Lahl says she was alarmed when she learned that “children, young boys, young girls, before they medically and surgically transitioned to the opposite sex, which I would say that they can’t do, are offered fertility preservation.” She added that little girls are being given the opportunity “to freeze and bank their eggs so that when they transition to a man and they grow up… they can go to the egg bank and get their own eggs.”

She began doing more research on the the transgender mission among children and ultimately decided to make a documentary highliting the voices of experts, educators, parents, and activists on this issue called “Trans Mission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender?”

Lahl joins the “Problematic Women Podcast” to explain more about why she chose to make the film and what she learned about the transgender movement in the process.

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