Scammer Revenge Stories | Pro Revenge | Business Revenge

2 years ago

ricksters get found out, uncovered and more regrettable...

00:00 - "Presentation"
01:21 - "Mr. Ponzi" - Pyramid Scheme con artist gets uncovered...
08:53 - "Spare Time to Jail Time" - Bored worker puts center around sending Credit Card Scammer to jail…
14:11 - "Deceitful Teddy" - Scammer attempts to tear of client, however uncovered by the neighborhood news…
17:19 - "Craftsmanship Thief" - Art trickster doesn't trust in copyright, yet gets recompense nonetheless....

🔥 Caution: Scammer Payback is accomplished in EVERY one of these True Revenge Stories, in this way it very well might be distressing or disturbing to Scammers.
💡 Best Enjoyed on Heaphones/Earphones + Blue Light Filter 👀

❤️ Much thanks to you for watching this episode, these recordings are made with Artificial Love!


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