The ATN X Sight 4K Pro Scope for coyote hunting at night.

3 years ago

The ATN X Sight 4K Pro Scope is a game changer! This thing is a Taliban Smoker! Some videos I have taken while waiting for a coyote and hog license to hunt. This video is of deer that keep coming into my backyard. I planted a food plot of Durana Clover and it has been drawing deer into it. This has helped the does get the nutrition that they need before their baby fawns arrive.
The scope is a digital scope for both day AND night. So I do not have to take it off the gun or switch guns to hunt. I have a Coyote Reaper IR light on the side which lights up the yard a lot. It took a week of using it off and on to run down the batteries. As it runs down it does however get dimmer. This is an excellent setup for coyotes and hogs.

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