Happiness Is Reality Minus Expectations

2 years ago

Inspired from the quote by Tom Magliozzi, “Happiness Equals Reality Minus Expectations.”

I get it, I get, the tiny drops of water particles form clouds and are made up of a bunch of cloud droplets bundled together with raindrops. So NASA says.

But if you know me, I don’t expect them to tell the truth. Their explanations for everything leave me with more questions than answers. I like to share an interesting observation/sighting I made back in March (2022) and felt compelled to take pictures of cloud formations in the sky that didn’t budge nor change shape as we drove towards Fairbanks, Alaska from Eielson AFB, Alaska.

One thing sorta led to another. Elon Musk brought up A.I. and I found it interesting looking back at some of the oddest behaviors that were public. Another film I couldn’t forget growing up in the 80s was Not Quite Human starring Alan Thicke. Remember that one? A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) starring Haley Joel Osment? How about Humans (UK) from 2015? I enjoyed that one. They were telling us all along. This is reality. Welcome to the future!

Total Time: 7:37

Q drop 737

What a coincidence.
This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends.

I hope some day Patriots, Vets, and Anons get the respect that we deserve. Marine anons have felt betrayed by the same people we were willing to die to protect.
I've felt lost until you showed up in October.

Thank you from the depths of my heart

We are with you, Patriot.
We honor your service to our great country.
Without people like you, the world would be lost.

Mark 7:37

People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”

John 7:37

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, Anyone who is thirsty may come to me!

Acts 7:37

New Living Translation

37 “This is the Moses who told the Israelites, ‘God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your own people.’

Music: Gravelike
Musician: Philip E Morris



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