12 "Hobbies" You Should Consider Starting Today to Prepare for Whatever Is to Come

2 years ago

Survival Gear: https://noqreport.com/mps

Many of the folks who follow this website and podcast are seasoned preppers who probably already know everything I'm about to post. In fact, they probably know a whole lot more than I do about the various "hobbies" people should consider taking up now that it seems like some sort of societal collapse is imminent.

For the rest of us who are just getting started, it can be challenging to change everything and take on a "prepper lifestyle." One of the first things I did after making my plan was to think of the various skills I would like to acquire before it becomes too late to do so easily. I replaced old "hobbies" with activities that can help me and my family survive. In a way, these activities have become hobbies themselves, though far more productive than watching Netflix or going bowling.

Here's a very incomplete list of things we all can consider doing to use our time that's not spent working or with family. Some of these activities are things that we can do WITH our families, so it can be doubly productive. I've grouped them into three basic categories — food, outdoors, and self-defense. There are dozens, perhaps hundreds of others that could be added to this list, but I wanted to use this as a primer for others to list their ideas below.

Could you replace any of your current hobbies with some of these survival-productive actions?

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