‘Erections & Ejaculations’ Homework Assignment: 10-Year-Old Girl Instructed To Go Home & Ask Her Dad

2 years ago

Red Voice Media

"What the hell was going on here?"

By Zach Heilman
April 7, 2022

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, governments all over the globe have sought to not only protect the elderly, but children as well. This led to many kids having to wear a mask for up to eight hours a day even when the masks were proven to do little at stopping the coronavirus. But while parents fought for their children’s right to breathe, many started to take notice of what was being taught to them while in the care of the education system. Shockingly, books that surrounded the LGBTQ agenda and even sexual exploits were deemed acceptable reading material by the schools. And while some might just believe the push to normalize sexual behavior among minors is just an American issue, well…

Speaking to the Minister for Education, Victorian MP Bernie Finn accused the Education Department in Australia of giving a 10-year-old girl a homework assignment of talking to her dad about “his erections and ejaculations.”

Take a look.

Finn explained, “Part of her homework was to discuss his erections and ejaculation with her father. I find this very disturbing and sickening. I have complained to the school and was told it was just part of the curriculum…My daughter still plays with dolls and writes letters to the tooth fairy. There is no way any little girl should be told to ask these questions.”

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