Last Night in Sweden. EU wants to punish Hungary

2 years ago
Sweden must leave the EU after the attack on Hungary. From NewsVoice and Jan Norberg, living in Portugal.
The harassment orchestrated by the globalist-driven EU against Hungary, now a few days after Hungary's elections, is nothing less than an attack on the national right of self-determination. We have been watching for years the EU's attempts to totally assimilate Member States like Hungary. It is a shameful assault on the development democratically chosen by Hungarian voters themselves.
The EU's attempt to undermine democracy and prevent Hungary from retaining its national sovereignty is sending shock waves throughout Europe. The fascists in the EU do not accept that the Hungarian people want to be able to decide their own fate. They feel sick and think of Hitler's Nazi Germany, where all opposition was stifled by sanctions and violence. Total obedience under Ursula Von der Leyen is nothing but dictatorship tactics.
The EU will now use its economic supremacy to stifle Hungary into total submission. Which country is next? Sweden has been pushing and leading the way in punishing Hungary on the grounds that their rule of law is corrupt. You can't help but think that Sweden is not really an example. Do I need to mention Justice Cansler Marie Hedenborg and her decision to give a criminal MENA migrant 840,000 SEK?
Hungary is an example in the EU and Viktor Orban is soon to be the only glimmer of light and hope we can see in the compact EU darkness.

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