Purim Workshop

8 years ago

Rebekah's Purim Workshop is over. But contact her to host her Workshop in your area.

If you liked this teaching and want to be a "Lady of Teshuvah" please join Rebekah's Ladies of Teshuvah Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/274822462954443/

Enjoy and please share! YHVH Elohim bless you with eyes to see and ears to hear.

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TAKE A COURSE AT THE KINGDOM UNIVERSITY: https://the-kingdom-university.teachable.com/ (For articles on finding the correct calendar

UNLOCK THE VAULT at Kingdom University. https://the-kingdom-university.teachable.com/p/kingdom-university-vault)

SHOP OUR T-SHIRTS AT TEE-SHUVAH: https://teespring.com/stores/tee-shuvah

SHOP REBEKAHCO: For Feast-related items (posters, pdfs, books, games, candles ets) visit Rebekah's Online Store: https://teshuvahministries.com/rebekahco?olsPage=products and for all her books (including the Covenants of Promise and the Back to the Melchizedek Priesthood book by Dr. David Perry)

8 WAYS TO GIVE AND PARTNER WITH TESHUVAH MINISTRIES: Give your offerings to support the work of Teshuvah Ministries and Rebekah: https://teshuvahministries.com/become-a-partner

CALLING ALL REPENTANT WOMEN: Are you coming out of man-made religion? Rebekah has a place for you! Join her "Ladies of Teshuvah" Facebook Group for safe fellowship, support, resources, more of Rebekah, Leadership Training and interviews with other ladies walking this path: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LadiesofTeshuvah/?ref=bookmarks

MODERN PIONEERING CHANNEL: Watch how the Garvin family lived during their wilderness time in a tipi in the woods of North Idaho! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC80_ju-sRa9CWo2tO1dO8Gw

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