Purim | The True Purim | Happy Hippy Hebrew Girl Show #12

6 years ago

#purim #teshuvahministries

Happy Hippy Girl Variety Show #12––Air date: 2/24/2018

Topic: What the true Purim is all about and why should Melchizedek priests should be celebrating it! Rebekah’s unpacks the parallels between Purim and our journey. Purim is about preparing to come before the King. We must restore the true Purim. It is provision for us! Rebekah shows why. Chanukah and Purim are personal and they prepare your heart for the Spring Feasts. I think they are major Feasts - not minor ones! Without having your heart cleansed at Chanukah and without learning form the Ruach ha’Kodesh what garment Yah wants us to wear at Purim you are not ready for the Spring Feasts!

Deep Thoughts with Rebekah:
Thought 1:
“I want to bring something to the King, but I don’t know what my gift is.....?” The gifts that you have are the things that the King want to adorn your “dress” with so that you sparkle and shine to the nations -- showing o his glory through you. What are you skilled at? What do others say you are really good at? What are you trained to do? Don’t over-spiritualize and over-think this. When did we forget that we were aall made as mini-creators? What do you do that no one else does? What is unique to you and then offer that to the King. What matters is what you do with your gifts. What are you doing with the gifts and talents you know that you have? Get out of your head, Israel! And put your intangible gifts into reality so that you can hand the King a gift when he comes. He is most interested in how you spend your time as you wait for the return of the King. Israel lives with so little hope! We were not created to study! We were created to love and do! We have to study to get free of the lies, but that was not what were were created for! We read the Torah to nd out where life is and then we are to do! Spend your life seeking a way to perfect the gifts / skills he has given to you so that you can give them back to them.

Thought 2:
Do not rush ahead of Yah! Stay in rhythm with Yah and don’t speed ahead of him! Join him by staying on topic with him. Walk with him by studying the upcoming Feast, give your heart over to that and don’t look too far in the future. The heart has a sateration point.

Show and Tell:
Maggie’s Purim Tea Set from Israel. “Arab” means “to lie in wait; to ambush.” Yah uses the word “arab” when telling Chavah what had happened.

BLESSING: May YHVH ELOHIM give you eyes to see and ears to hear so that you can make it all the way to the Great Wedding Feast of the Lamb and be a blessing to others as you travel there in obedience! May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless you with health and prosperity as His will desires.

PRAYER: PROTECTION FOR THIS MINISTRY PROVIDED BY YHVH ELOHIM. May YHVH Elohim protect Rebekah and Ali, their families, their domains and this online real estate (this channel and it's videos) from ALL evil that comes to harm or destroy. May the plans of any demons or wicked people be foiled and their plans become their destiny. May those who drink from the Teshuvah Ministry spring be blessed and find the narrow path of the Melchizedek priesthood that leads to the ONE (Yahshua ha'Mashiach) who can and wants to save.

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