3HGVS #5 - "Rebekah gets real and her struggles with ministry"

6 years ago

Happy Hippy Girl Variety Show #5––Air date: 12/30/2017

This was supposed to be the second part of our personal story. But internet was super bad in the pub where we were so we packed up and looked during the show to find another place to finish Show #5. We ended up at a library that seemed to have good internet, but we had spent what seems like hours looking for a place.

Rebekah prayed and spoke while in tears with Isaac by her side about her struggles doing ministry without the resources she needs and the fire that burns in her heart. She really feels it is important to do this Show, but she is struggling with not having the ability to stream and having a place to show it.

She talks about the trauma that comes with exiting Babylon and the risks that YHVH takes to extract people out of the matrix.

Through our own story we have discovered that there is a process or a ow to being extracted:

1) Awakened from a slumber
2) Discovered and got set free from the matrix
3) Then discovered what we are we free to do
4) Found out that we were set free to obey and return to YHVH Elohim
5) Broke the agreements and alignments with things within the Matrix
6) Process of chanukah cleansing from idols
7) Entered into the New Contract marriage-type relationship with YHVH
8) Cut free from everything to be taken to the Wilderness
9) In the Wilderness we discovered that we are Ephraim

Rebekah talks about her time in Israel during Sukkot a few months ago and the reality check she got while there in the land and why He takes Israel to the wilderness.

Rebekah begins to talk about their own "Wilderness Time" and why it is so important for YHVH to take each of us he is calling out into the Wilderness. Part of the reason is that because when you have the ability to provide for yourself in every way it is really hard to know when it is Papa Yah has provided for you. He wants to clarify this and put things back in order. So when you lose everything and go to the wilderness it becomes really clear who is providing---him not you.

She talks about Shabbat Day vs. Erev Shabbat and the challeges with the day part of Shabbat rest. She also talks about why we don’t do Torah Portions and why we follow YHVH’s study guide -- the Feasts. Following the study guide of the Feasts is "walking in rhythm with YHVH." Studying the Torah portions is walking in rhythm with the rabbis who made up the Torah portions.

BLESSING: May YHVH ELOHIM give you eyes to see and ears to hear so that you can make it all the way to the Great Wedding Feast of the Lamb and be a blessing to others as you travel there in obedience! May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless you with health and prosperity as His will desires.

PRAYER: PROTECTION FOR THIS MINISTRY PROVIDED BY YHVH ELOHIM. May YHVH Elohim protect Rebekah and Ali, their families, their domains and this online real estate (this channel and it's videos) from ALL evil that comes to harm or destroy. May the plans of any demons or wicked people be foiled and their plans become their destiny. May those who drink from the Teshuvah Ministry spring be blessed and find the narrow path of the Melchizedek priesthood that leads to the ONE (Yahshua ha'Mashiach) who can and wants to save.

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