Death | What happens when we die? | Do we get our reward at death or resurrection?

5 years ago

Rebekah shows you straight from Scriptures what happens to us when we die. Israel needs to stop propagating the lie that we go to heaven when we die. The Scriptures makes it very clear that there is a formula to life that YHVH established, that Ye'shua taught that we go to sleep when we die to await the Resurrection. We do NOT die into immortality -- instead, the Scriptures teach that we raise to immortality at the Resurrection.


1 Thess. 5:10 "He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him." Many people believe that this text proves that we go to heaven when we die. But the word for "asleep" is the word katheudó (2518) which means "I sleep, am sleeping." It is not found in reference to death and a completely different word that the word for 'dead' in the same verse describing what Ye'shua did for us. The sleep talked about here has nothing to do with the kind of death-sleep that Ye'shua talks about in John 11:11. In this whole situation with Lazarus being dead for 4 days and Ye'shua going to raise him up we see OUR RABBI teaching on the state of the dead. Ye'shua uses a different word than found in Thess. for death-sleep. He uses the word koimaó (2837 from NG2749) which means "I fall asleep, am asleep, sometimes of the sleep of death." This word can be used for regular sleep, but can also be used for death-sleep. If you're not sure –– then go with the teaching of Ye'shua not the teaching of man.

The "today you will be with me in Paradise" text has a comma error. Here is commentary from the Chronological Gospels on this matter:

"Yeshua emphatically told the repentant robber that very day, that he would be with him in paradise. Yeshua was in the grave a the end of that day, and remained there three days and night until just before sunset on the weekly Sabbath: he was NOT in paradise. Depending on the translator's theology commas were inserted into different translations to yield completely different results. If I truly say to you today, you shall be with me in Jerusalem – you expect that some time in the future we will be together in Jerusalem. If I truly say to you, today you shall be with me in Jerusalem – you know that you had better get your bags packed immediately. Unlike Jerusalem, paradise is not available today. It was created in the beginning, as recorded in Genesis chapter one, and will be recreated in the end, as recoreded in the Revelation chapter 21."

The Lazarus and Abraham story was a parable, not meant to be taken literally.

I don't see "middle heavens" taught in Scripture. :-) But if there is any doubt I always just look at what Ye'shua taught. He wasn't teaching on what happens to us when we die with the Lazarus and Abraham parable, nor with the comment on the cross. He was very clear that death was a sleep when he raised Lazarus and the little girl. In sleep we won't even know we are asleep. I have heard it taught that from the moment we close our eyes in sleep to be moment of Resurrection that it will be like only a second passed. You won't "be without him" any more than you feel you are without your husband when you fall asleep by his side at night and wake up in the morning by his side.

More texts in Isaiah 28; Isaiah 30; Job 34:14-15 talks about returning to "dust." Isaiah 38:19 -" The living, only the living, can thank You, as I do today; fathers will tell their children about Your faithfulness."

From Ali Prescott: "The Serpent also deceives Adam and Havah about death, contradicting Yah’s clear instructions that they will certainly die if they ate from the Tree of Knowledge. Today, this deception continues, even amongst believers in Ye’shua. Amongst certain communities, there remains a firm and unshakable belief that humans have an immortal soul that will live on beyond death. They believe that as long as one professes “Christ”, and says a simple prayer, that this immortal soul will go straight to heaven upon death, and that the souls of everyone else who is “unsaved” will go to an ever-burning hell to be tortured for eternity. Unfortunately, this belief is not rooted in the Bible, but has its origins in New Age, going as far back as Egyptian and Babylonian mystery religions, which claim that because the soul is immortal, death is not really death but just part of a mystical journey. What the Bible teaches is different. The Bible shows that man does not have a soul, but that man is a soul. Man has a body, but only when YHVH breathed life into Adam did he become a living soul (nephesh; Genesis 2:7, KJV). We do not split into two parts, a dead body and a living soul because only Elohim has immortality as stated in 1 Timothy 6:16."

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