Caesarea National Park, Israel

5 years ago

Visit Herod's Palace in Kaesarea National Park, Israel with the Garvin family! There is so much to this national park that we didn't have time to explore. But we will next time we go back.
Enjoy and please share! YHVH Elohim bless you with eyes to see and ears to hear.

PRAYER: May YHVH Elohim protect Rebekah, her family, her domain and this online real estate (this channel and it's videos) from ALL evil that comes to harm or destroy. May the plans of any demons or wicked people be foiled and their plans become their destiny. May those who drink from the Teshuvah Ministry spring be blessed and find the narrow path of the Melchizedek priesthood that leads to the ONE (Yahshua ha'Mashiach) who can and wants to save.


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MORE SHOPPING: For Feast-related items (posters, pdfs, books, games, candles ets) visit Rebekah's Online Store: and for all her books (including the Covenants of Promise and the Back to the Melchizedek Priesthood book by Dr. David Perry) visit:

MODERN PIONEERING CHANNEL: Watch how the Garvin family lived during their wilderness time in a tipi in the woods of North Idaho!

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