Feast of Unleavened Bread | Ye'shua's Shalom Sword and Leaven Removal

5 years ago

Feast of Unleavened Bread DAY 7 - Dinner

Eat of Ye'shu’s use of his Shalom Sword and Leaven Removal with the help of boiled fish and matzoh! Our Feast of Unleavened Bread tradition. A Melchizedek way to keep this Feast.

Rebekah came out of her Sabbatical for this one Feast this, her 50th year, so that you can eat of Ye'shua while sitting with her and her family during the Feast of Unleavened Bread ( April 21, 2019 - April 28, 2019 ).

These meals with her are NOT meant to be full teachings on the subject, but more like an invitation to dine with her in a casual atmosphere showing you how to EAT OF YE'SHUA ( THE UNLEAVENED ONE, THE MEAL THAT YHVH PREPARED FOR US TO EAT ).

This is a VERY overlooked, mis-understood, ignored and yet SUPER important Feast. We actually help to fulfill this Feast, because the primary command ( over and above the command to not eat leaven ) is to EAT EAT EAT EAT MATZAH ( UNLEAVENED BREAD -- YE'SHUA! )

So eat of Ye'shua using the matzah with the Garvin family during the Feast of Unleavened Bread during their vaca at the Coast. While eating matzah we consume Ye'shua's qualities in order for them to become our own. This is the whole point of this Feast! To get Ye'shua INTO us!!!

A great book to start with is John Eldredge's Beautiful Outlaw. Get it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1455525707/?cv_ct_id=amzn1.idea.2MB1F1DTPL812&cv_ct_pg=storefront&cv_ct_wn=aip-storefront&ref=exp_cov_ransomedheart_lv_dp_vv_d
A great book to start with is John Eldredge's Beautiful Outlaw. Get it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1455525707/?cv_ct_id=amzn1.idea.2MB1F1DTPL812&cv_ct_pg=storefront&cv_ct_wn=aip-storefront&ref=exp_cov_ransomedheart_lv_dp_vv_d

Another way to eat of Ye'shua with the children in your home is using the menu that I created. Get them here: https://teshuvahministries.com/rebekahco/ols/products/papa-yahs-menu-one and https://teshuvahministries.com/rebekahco/ols/products/papa-yahs-menu-two

May Yahovah give you eyes to see and ears to hear.

Enjoy and please share! YHVH Elohim bless you with eyes to see and ears to hear.

May YHVH Elohim protect Rebekah, her family, her domain and this online real estate (this channel and it's videos) from ALL evil that comes to harm or destroy. May the plans of any demons or wicked people be foiled and their plans become their destiny. May those who drink from the Teshuvah Ministry spring be blessed and find the narrow path of the Melchizedek priesthood that leads to the ONE (Yahshua ha'Mashiach) who can and wants to save.

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SHOP REBEKAHCO: For Feast-related items (posters, pdfs, books, games, candles ets) visit Rebekah's Online Store: https://teshuvahministries.com/rebekahco?olsPage=products and for all her books (including the Covenants of Promise and the Back to the Melchizedek Priesthood book by Dr. David Perry)

8 WAYS TO GIVE AND PARTNER WITH TESHUVAH MINISTRIES: Give your offerings to support the work of Teshuvah Ministries and Rebekah: https://teshuvahministries.com/become-a-partner

CALLING ALL REPENTANT WOMEN: Are you coming out of man-made religion? Rebekah has a place for you! Join her "Ladies of Teshuvah" Facebook Group for safe fellowship, support, resources, more of Rebekah, Leadership Training and interviews with other ladies walking this path: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LadiesofTeshuvah/?ref=bookmarks

MODERN PIONEERING CHANNEL: Watch how the Garvin family lived during their wilderness time in a tipi in the woods of North Idaho! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC80_ju-sRa9CWo2tO1dO8Gw

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