Gigantic tortoise dives into pond to impress girlfriend

2 years ago

Galapagos tortoises are majestic animals that grow to an enormous size. They can reach 417kg (915lbs) and they can live for nearly 200 years. But these gentle giants are famous for being one of the slowest moving animals on the planet.

This tortoise has decided it is time to go to the pond and meet his girlfriend. What appears to be a very slow motion approach is actually the tortoise's top speed. He is in a full out tortoise run as he makes his way down the bank and into the water. The female tortoise in the water is eager to meet him and her approach is also nearing her top speed as she wades over in his direction.

The male tortoise must be trying to impress her as he completely submerges his head in what is the equivalent of a head first dive into the pond. It is hard to know if all of this is his demonstration of athleticism for his love interest, or if he genuinely wants to make a splash. The two gaze adorably into the eyes of the other as they bring their faces close enough that they could actually kiss. After a sniff and a loving look, the two wander off together to the other end of the watering hole.

It's hard to know if the tortoise has any desire to make an impression or if he is simply looking for roots and vegetation under the water. Either way, this meeting is reminiscent of two teenagers at the local swimming hole, with the male trying to show off for the one he cares for.

These tortoises are residents of Santa Cruz Island in the Galapagos. The people here recognize the importance of these beautiful beasts and they do what they can to help with conservation and breeding programs. These tortoises were nearing extinction in recent years, but they are now making a comeback. It will take many years to bring the populations back to where they should be but a committed effort is being made, with encouraging results.

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