Vancouver: Cowardly Trudeau Hides from Welcoming Crowd in Gas Guzzling SUV at Green Energy Summit

2 years ago

On March 28, Prime Minister Trudeau visited Vancouver, British Columbia. Many people hoped to meet the man including Liberal Party voters hoping to get help with a wide range of issues from immigration problems to compensation for residential schools.
Unfortunately, gone are the days when the Prime Minister could take his morning walk with a couple body guards. Mr. Trudeau has contributed to the extreme polarization of the country, pouring gasoline on an already tense situation by saying people who don't take three vaccines are a "small group of people who are taking up space" and "Do we tolerate these people?" What Mr. Trudeau meant by these remarks is open to interpretation, but what has become clear is that he is increasingly serving only the interests of a small group of his constituents. At a recent press interview he vehemently denied waving at people he described as "anti vaxers" saying, "I just ignore them." And It is not just pro freedom of choice protesters who he ignores. As a result of his confidence-and-supply agreement with the NDP, Trudeau can completely ignore conservatives.
During the Trump presidency, Democrats used the slogan "not my president." Mr. Trudeau means to say "I am not your Prime Minister."
-Interview at 3:59:
Earlier in the day, I interviewed Max whose mother attended the Alberni Residential School in the 1940s.

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