( -0337 ) We Held Off The Initial Wave Thanks to Amy Bohn & Rosa Koire. Deceivers Remain at Large, Share With Someone Today!

2 years ago

Trial-Balloon Bills & Corrupt 'Consensus Builders' - Help Children (& Childlike Adults) See this Lurking Menace to Freedom. When a child first sees a spiderweb, they often don't realize there's usually a spider. This is where we find ourselves, surrounded by childish and entranced persons who would find it hard to imagine anything could lurk in a field of flowers or a forest of beautiful pines. If spiderwebs looked immediately threatening to insects, it would give them an advantage. We are like the insects in that metaphor. The connections of the web are not serving to catch a fall, they are serving to ensnare the unsuspecting. it is ultimately a design useful to capture prey, but veiled in impressive intricacy that is a thing of beauty.

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