How Technology Is Killing Democracy | Dan Carlin

3 years ago

Dan Carlin is the host of the wildly popular Hardcore History and Common Sense podcasts, and author of The End Is Always Near: Apocalyptic Moments, from the Bronze Age Collapse to Nuclear Near Misses.

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What We Discuss with Dan Carlin:

🌎 Do tough times make for tougher people? How do we define what “tough” means?
🌎 Will war ever become obsolete, or will we always need to be prepared to engage in military force on some level?
🌎 Why do the people who are best qualified to lead rarely get elected, and how does this hurt us all (even if “our” candidate wins)?
🌎 How denying the cultivation of skills, talent, and opportunity to the poorest members of the population underserves society as a whole.
🌎 Is a de-escalation of our current political polarization possible, or have we passed the point of no return?
🌎 And much more…

Philosopher George Santayana once said that “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” And if there’s anyone who’s brilliant at getting us to remember these lessons of the past, it’s today’s guest: Dan Carlin, host of the Hardcore History and Common Sense podcasts, and author of The End Is Always Near: Apocalyptic Moments, from the Bronze Age Collapse to Nuclear Near Misses.

On this episode, we ponder whether tough times make for tougher people (or if “toughness” is a concept that changes with the times), we wonder if war will ever become obsolete (or if we’ll always need to be prepared to engage in military force), we discuss how leaving the poorest among our population out of the process of skill cultivation is bad for civilization overall, we look to the past to see if de-escalation of a politically polarized society is possible (or if current technology makes us too “smart” for our own good), and much more. Listen, learn, and enjoy!

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