Water buffalo happily plays in mud at rescue sanctuary

2 years ago

The Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai Thailand is a wonderful place for animals who need a forever home. Although their primary focus is rescuing elephants from abuse and torture, they will take in other animals, such as this herd of water buffalo.
Water buffalo are used for labour on farms in Thailand, often pulling ploughs or carrying extremely heavy loads. They are the primary means of tilling rice fields in Thailand. They are also used for food when they are no longer productive workers.
Water buffalo are also used for milk production with the milk being richer in protein and fat than the milk of dairy cattle. These animals eat submerged plants and reeds, as well as hay and other green fodder. The milk production can be improved with diets higher in greens.

These water buffalo have been rescued from farms where health care was were poor and the animals were being subjected to inhumane conditions. They will live here at the Elephant Nature Park where they will be rehabilitated and given the care that they need.

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