DIVING DEEPER w/ Sean Danielsen [Trailer]

2 years ago

#SouledOutTV #DivingDeeper #JoBradley #SeanDanielsen #SmileEmptySoul

[73 minutes of internet gold]

Sean Danielsen of the heavy-rock/grunge band Smile Empty Soul gives the SouledOut.TV platform another 73 minutes of amazing conversation.

DIVING DEEPER w/ Sean Danielsen gets into some truly thought-provoking material.

The sacrifices it takes to move into entrepreneurial projects. The collective dark night of the soul that humanity is moving through. Extra-dimensional realms and/or entities who may or may not be involved in the dramas unfolding on earth. And so much more...

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Featured Music:
"Belly Full of Black Pills" by Smile Empty Soul (from the album "Black Pilled")

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