Spiritual Warfare Going Forward: Battling Against the Satanic New World Order

2 years ago

Sorry about audio; I'm using my son's laptop, it is not too good. Pay close attention to the Bible text below. Whenever a ruler or rulers decide to implement laws that attacks the relationship that God's chosen has with God/Jesus, we are to stand against it, rebuke and reprove no matter the cost. No matter how unpopular or hated we are. If we do not stand, we can end up being destroyed by God. We cannot serve God and mammon. God is jealous, we must repent and be focused on the road ahead. It is narrow and few find it and stay the course.

We are not battling against flesh and blood but the devil uses and employs people to rule in his kingdom with the intention of leading everyone down the broad road to hell. We must be the light and salt of the earth until God can hardly find anyone of faith alive. We must be the ones to stand in the gap until God brings us home. We must not fear death as flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of God.

The wicked shall not rule over God's people. The wicked will only lead you into the lake of fire. Wicked rulers of Israel and Judah caused the people to sin and rebelled against God. We must be the Daniel, John the Baptist and Elijah's of our time as it is the same Spirit that led them that is now leading us.

Deuteronomy 15:6
King James Version Bible
6 For the Lord thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.

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