20220407 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

I'm Peter Serefine, and this is the Liberty Minute for Thursday, day 755 of "15 days to flatten the curve."
The Biden administration has halted the distribution of one of the Wuhan Flu monoclonal antibody treatments. Supposedly, the treatment in question doesn't work against the Wu-Tang Clap variant or whatever the latest variant is called.
I have a problem with the federal government controlling medical treatments. In fact, I have a problem with the government having any control over my medical treatments. At most, the government should offer advice and suggestions.
A government that controls medical treatments literally controls the lives of its citizens, the exact opposite of what our founding fathers established.
Tonight at 7 pm Eastern in the LibertyLighthouse live stream, we are going to talk about the principles of socialism, and how they can be instituted in free nations. Call or text 64 MY RIGHTS to join the conversation.
Until tomorrow, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum.

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