EPISODE 487: In Case of Blackout, Remove Dog from Carr

2 years ago

We are screwed if a cyber attack knocks out the power for a few days. Also, the cops are called on Tom and Alice again and a Kirk Minihane interview with Howie Carr ends abruptly and Tom's Step-On wife uses the event to bash Tom.

Commentary Podcast Episode: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZGNsb3VkLmNvbS91c2Vycy9zb3VuZGNsb3VkOnVzZXJzOjIwMzQzNDU2MC9zb3VuZHMucnNz/episode/dGFnOnNvdW5kY2xvdWQsMjAxMDp0cmFja3MvMTI0NDcwMjcwMQ?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwi1l7f_h_72AhVPpIkEHYV5AFIQjrkEegQIBxAF&ep=6

Kirk Minihane Show Episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ill-tell-you-why/id1467438756?i=1000556326350

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The opening theme music is called Divine Intervention by Matthew Sweet.
The closing theme music to this podcast C'est La Vie by Derek Clegg.

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