Ray is always on the move.

2 years ago

As I was driving from Naples to Safety Harbor some where north of Fort Myers Florida I couldn't resist taking this picture. It seem to say it all for me over the last 2 years. It has been such a blessing visiting historic sites, Civil War sites, American Revolutionary sites and old cemeteries and making videos of our great nation. I also have worked hard in helping explain what is going on in our world and especially with the USA. The Communist Chinese leaders really do have a diabolical multifaceted WELL FUNDED plan to destroy the USA and our American system of government. I am here to EXPOSE it and to also EXPOSE the traitors that for money have sold us all out as they have been complicit with Xi Jin Ping, Wang Qi Shan and Wang YI. Most of the US traitors (a contradiction of terms) never come in direct contact with those top 3 leaders but there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people who do come in contact with many greedy Americans who are more than happy to sell anyone out for a lot of money. This WILL all be EXPOSED, this is my prayer and I ask all of you Christians to pray as well.
mefoundation.world overcoming evil with good. Even in wicked Beijing, I was extremely successful in defeating those despotic dictators responsible for millions of murders and are still killing with their plans. April 6th, 2022 Fort Myers, Florida

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