EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblower Who Provided Hunter's Laptop to Congressmen & DailyMail Fled to 🇨🇭

2 years ago

EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblower Who Provided Hunter's Laptop to Congressmen and DailyMail Has Fled to Switzerland Fearing Retaliation From Biden Admin — Reveals He Has 450 Gigabytes of DELETED Material (80,000 images + videos)
“If he meant to erase these pictures as I was feeling there could be a high likelihood that there was something that no man or woman with a soul would want to see.” “I'm going to make it available to the world.”

Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10689445/Whistleblower-handed-Hunter-Bidens-laptop-congressmen-fled-Switzerland.html

@3D to 5D News

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