
2 years ago

Thanks and praises to “Elohim”, the creator of this vast and never ending Universe, this dimension is just one of many, are you ready for the next one ?, my star people we overstand that we came from the Sirius Star System, we are the descendants of the Moorish Washitaw Nation, and they was the first and still is the oldest civilization on earth and we stand on that, Moors was the first to inhabit the earth with a land mass called africa, this dimension is Amexem and it’s twin Andromeda 8 light years from this dimension, and 8 light years from the Mother Star, together they form a Triangle symbol of the Pyramids which our ancestors built and the European man is right, we did come from space, this was long before the Neanderthal and Troglodyte evolved, Oh! By the way they still exist today, look closely with the 3rd Eye and you will see for yourself, there is great danger coming to this land, this is just the start, every evil soul got to stand in front of that book, everyday you exist on this ether plane is a day you get closer to that graveyard or cremation furnace, you can't stay here and it's a reason for that, this is just a Universal Dream and you will wake up, suspect evil in no one until you see it, when you see it forget it not, the devil is man in flesh and not some demon of the nether world, this Star System is the Dog star System, look what man is doing to other men …….Peace & Love

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