Time Awaken The Slumbering god - The Shore (Ep. 3)

3 years ago

Ep. 3
Join me on my play through of "The Shore" a game made by Ares Dragonis based off the novels of H.P. Lovecraft and his universe. In this game I am a man stranded on an island looking for his daughter Ellie who, we hope, was washed up on this strange island as well.

We continue our desperate search for her, hopping to see her again soon all while we have strange voices in our head guiding us a long the way. As we search the island for a way to get Ellie back, we find clues of previous survivors who also washed up on this shore not sure what to make or think of their new home... or grave.

The voice continues to guide us to help us find our daughter after it has brought us to a strange realm where we find an artifact that is a tool to aid us in our efforts in finding our daughter. Or is it to help the voice in achieve his goals. As strange events take place in this new world full bazar creatures, we unlock more to the mystery of the shores that we have washed up on.

It is in this world we are guided to unlock the voices many forms and we finally meat the slumbering one. Will this be what we need to bring Ellie back to us or are we being used for a nefarious purpose?

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#theshore #hplovecraft #cthulu

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